Sunday, September 06, 2009

Welcoming Sunday!

I have just gotten back from a beautiful welcoming service at my church. It was so nice to meet these lovely people and be able to converse with them about the church, the year ahead and to simply learn a little about them. I now have names floating around in my head...I only hope I'll be able to place them with faces next time I see them! We had the service and the preacher gave an excellent and hopeful sermon on reviving the church and realizing that every person around Roe Green is loved by God. A guest performer sang a familiar song, "God of This City." This was actually kind of the theme song for my church at home; a theme about reaching people around the church and building up this city for God. It was a brilliant sermon, very evangelistic and hopefully we as a church can try to build up Roe Green as well.

Yesterday was a lovely day, I spent it with my host family; Helen, Ian and Daniel. We went to a neighboring town called Chester where there was a river, walls to climb, a picnic lunch, and many shops! I held myself to only one purchase; a raincoat!! Finally! It is going to be necessary considering Manchester is one of the rainiest places, and there has not been one day lacking in rainfall. That will be helpful in my life here. After we returned from Chester we relaxed a bit and then took off once again to a store, similar to Walmart, to buy groceries and tioletries. I needed some items like shampoo, gel...etc. Overall is was a great day and much bonding with my family here.

Tomorrow is my day off...which seems silly since I have only worked one day so far! But Tuesday we start in with work; cleaning, meetings, mailings, and much more. I think a big task is going to be learning the kids worship songs for the youth groups! I don't know any of them! And I might be the one leading them...which will be great once I learn them myself!

God is here; that is very evident and visually clear. I am thrilled to be here with Him and His people. This is going to be a great year, I can feel it!

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