Thursday, March 25, 2010

Answered Prayer

A quick story I want to share with you all.

As you know, I am running a Youth Alpha course, which is an introductory course to Christianity for youth from 11-15. Two sessions ago we asked the question, "Does God heal today?" I was really nervous for this session because of the fact that at the end of the session we were going to ask all of the young people if anyone wanted prayer for healing. I have never been a part of a healing service before so it was all quite new for me. Well, we got to that part and the youth all just kind of looked at one wanting to come forward...until one girl said she would. This girl was having major allergy problems, and they were going to have to get rid of their new dog. The plan was to give the dog away sometime during that week because she was having to use and inhaler and just couldn't deal with the allergies. So Stephen and I asked all the other young people to join us in laying hands on this girl and we all prayed for her. The session ended and I left for another week of work. The next week came for Youth Alpha and this girl was calling others outside to come and see her dog. It was a cute little puppy and I was excited to see it...and then thought, wait..I thought you were getting rid of the dog! She later told us all that her allergies were so much better, she was off her inhaler and the doctor said they should keep the dog at least a month or two more to see how it goes. Stephen and I just looked at each other and started giggling out of joy! God DOES heal today...and we exerienced it first hand. God is SO good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome story Amanda. Thanks for sharing it!