Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Pictures of the church and surrounding area

The start of something new

Hello friends and family!
As I prepare for this coming year, I think mostly of all of you and what I am going to do without you all. I have been so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life, I would not be the same person without you. I will try my best to update this blog throughout the year, informing you of all I do. I will also be sending out emails, so if you would rather read those, feel free! I have about 2 months before I leave for Worsley in which there will be: one wisdom teeth appointment, a new niece/nephew birth, 2 family weddings, one family vacation, and MANY heart to hearts with a lot of you. It is going to be a busy, preparatory summer...I cannot wait! As my Grandpa Gumm used to say, there is nothing that will happen today that God and I cannot handle together! :)