Christmas in England...what more could one want? How about spending it in snowy covered Bradford...with a lovely family, including a 2 year old and a 3 year old. And maybe eating a lot of sweets and puddings, going sledding, making snowmen, playing games and games, reading many a books, attending a christingle service, and top it all off with a beautiful walk through the snow covered woods! Seriously, I had a wonderful Christmas...and now my big present has mum and sister are here! They just landed 4 hours ago and came directly to church with me to meet my family and friends there. Then they crashed...and I am anxiously awaiting their waking up!
Today in church we were reminded of the upcoming celebration of a new year and the goals that often come along with that. When asked to think of goals I had in 2009...I think all that came to mind was figuring out what I was going to do next and hopefully be overseas doing volunteer work...well that seemed to have happened. But then we were asked to think of some new goals...and were told of really great advice on how to make spiritual goals. The number one important thing to do when making any goals...PRAY. How simple that sounds, yet how often forgotten.
I am unsure now of my goals for 2010. As our preacher this morning said...we must first shed our distractions, get rid of the things that hold us back from spiritual closenes...peel away our "potatoe skins", things we should not eat. So I will continue to pray for those things to leave and God's desires to show up and lead me.
I thank all of you for your presence in my life and pray for you. I do hope you had a lovely Christmas and enjoy this holiday season. May there be peace, joy, laughter and blessings in each of your lives. Love to you all.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Oh December!
Happy Advent everyone! Sorry I have not been the best at updating my has been busy and full of surprises around here! To share some things I have been up to...first, Manchester is becoming more and more decorated for Christmas. It is absolutely beautiful! I do loooove Christmas and am really embracing it in England. I went with a family to an outside ice skating rink downtown Man. and it was brilliant. One of my favourite Sunday's I would have to say! We went ice skating for a while, then went to the Christmas Markets, which are like tons and tons of tiny stands that sell Christmas food, Christmas crafts, presents, etc. If you have been to Nordic Fest, it is similar in that the cute little houses and booths look alike, but just a massive amount of them. And thousands and thousand of people. It was hard to even walk! But it was great fun. Then we went back to their house and had a huge Sunday Roast...which is an English traditional meal on Sunday evenings. Then we spent the rest of the night singing karaoke, watching X Factor (like American Idol) and playing guitar/piano/wii. It was a lovely day. I also went to a pantomime the other day. It is a very English play..where the audience is very much included and the cast interacts with us quite a bit. I was called out upon...and very embarrassed...they were calling out for an Amanda that was in the audience..and I was sure it was someone else. But then they said, "Amanda, here from the USA...?" So of course I knew it was me and had to give a wave and everyone turned to look...not my cup of tea! Ha. Speaking of cups of tea..I am still downing tea about 5 cups a day! I don't know what I would do without it. It seems to be the reliever of all stress and business..if you are in a hurry and have a lot to do, then you sit and have tea to relax and get that energy back. I am so glad I have become a "tea person." We are now working on our nativity play. So Friday's are no longer our normal kids clubs anymore, it is all of the kids clubs together rehearsing. It was great fun because for the older two groups, Sarah and I wrote the sketch that they are going to perform. I loooved doing that and I hope it turns out alright, the kids seem to enjoy it. It is based around the X factor (American Idol type thing again). Let me pause here and tell you all the sad sad story of X was the finale last night...and my main man, Olly, did not win. I was very sad about it...I know its lame..but oh so true! Ha. Right when we found out, Ian said "Ok Im going to get get Amanda some chocolate" and we all ate a bunch of chocolate. I recovered quite quickly. Okay back to the Nativity...we have one more rehearsal this Friday and then the performance on Sunday! Looking forward to that! One last piece of news...I had my first basketball clinic yesterday. Unfortunately, the stomach bug has been going around so we lost quite a few kids to that so had a fairly small group to work with but it was so much fun! Finally got to play ball again and the kids seemed to really like it! We did drills and scrimmaged, played some other games and got to know a few new faces that will hopefully come to more things! So I think overall it was successful. I thank God for that and His work through that clinic. That is all the news I have for now. I do hope that you are all well and enjoying the cold, crisp, December air. No snow here...just rain...and rain. But it is still beautiful and kind of feels like December! Oh very very exciting news!! My mom and sister Kelly are arriving here for a visit on the 27th of December! So I am looking forward to see them and spending some QT with well as going to Ireland with them! So excited. Ok. Lots of love to you all. Peace be with you.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Reform and Refresh
Some wise words from my lovely weekend down on the south coast:
Wow...what a weekend I just returned from. I was at a YouthWork conference, the largest conference for youth workers/pastors in the UK. There were about 2000 of us youth workers there. We spent all weekend learning, meeting others, attending seminars, worshipping and being in the presence of God. I have not felt that full, that energized, that refreshed in a long time. I came back to my home first in excitement to be back (I missed it!) and secondly, eager to start work again so I can use what I had learned.
The whole weekend was called Reform and we were digging deeper into reforming ourselves and reforming our youth. We cannot reform our young people until we reform ourselves and that involves reading his word, meditating on it, seeking his guidance and pushing our relationship to the next level. As one of the worship leaders wrote in a song, we are to be concerned with what God wants us to be concerned with. She wrote:
"Break our hearts for the things that break yours."
Justice. Equality. Love. Mercy. Kindness.
One thing I really took to heart this weekend is this: We are all made in God's image; we are all "good" in God's eyes...and that should make us feel special. We are God's children and we are wonderfully made. How great is our God.
Peace be with you.
- Our life with Christ is an exchanged life - his becomes ours, but we also have to give ours over to him.
- God calls us to go deeper in our relationship with him...we can't get so full of what we have that we don't continue to dig deeper.
- We must be desperate for Jesus.
- What we are is what we reproduce, not what we say. We need to model the Word of God for our young people.
- Who is our parish? Is it only our church members? Is it the community around the church? Is it our town? Who then are we responsible for?
- Faith has moved mountains before and it can again!
Wow...what a weekend I just returned from. I was at a YouthWork conference, the largest conference for youth workers/pastors in the UK. There were about 2000 of us youth workers there. We spent all weekend learning, meeting others, attending seminars, worshipping and being in the presence of God. I have not felt that full, that energized, that refreshed in a long time. I came back to my home first in excitement to be back (I missed it!) and secondly, eager to start work again so I can use what I had learned.
The whole weekend was called Reform and we were digging deeper into reforming ourselves and reforming our youth. We cannot reform our young people until we reform ourselves and that involves reading his word, meditating on it, seeking his guidance and pushing our relationship to the next level. As one of the worship leaders wrote in a song, we are to be concerned with what God wants us to be concerned with. She wrote:
"Break our hearts for the things that break yours."
Justice. Equality. Love. Mercy. Kindness.
One thing I really took to heart this weekend is this: We are all made in God's image; we are all "good" in God's eyes...and that should make us feel special. We are God's children and we are wonderfully made. How great is our God.
Peace be with you.
Monday, November 09, 2009
On the 3rd of November, was my 22nd birthday. I thought it was going to come and pass me by...but that was definitely NOT the case. On the Sunday before my birthday, my host family, supervisor and family, and a few other families/people from church threw me a surprise birthday party at a bowling alley/mall/pizza hut area. I actually did know it was happening...two of the little boys let the cat out of the bag that morning by telling me, "We're coming to your party today!" From them on, I had an inkling but didn't know what was going on completely. But it was so much fun! We bowled and then went to pizza after. My host family had brought a cake that Daniel had made to Pizza Hut and the waiters brought it out to me. He did an excellent job with the cake!
Then on my actual birthday, Tuesday, I went to work thinking it was going to be a normal day, but busy because we had SO much to do! Well we worked for about 2 hours and then surprisingly again, some ladies from church took me out to lunch. We went to this lovely tea room and had panini's and tea and cakes. It was delicious and great fun. When we finally got back to work, we only had an hour left, so I tried my best to get as much done, and then we went home. I went for a short run...and got absolutely drenched. When I left the house to start out, it was calm and the time I got to the end of my street it was throwing it down. But I have always enjoyed running in the rain, so I kept going...and then...I was running along a really busy road, and this monster truck drove by and went threw a monster puddle. WELL, like in any movie where this happens...I got pummeled by the water. Haha. It was perfect..and hilarious. I was running alone so it wasn't as great because I couldn't laugh with someone...but I laughed out loud. When I got home and dried, Helen, Ian and Daniel were there and we had tea (dinner) together. Then we had a family bday celebration..cake and gifts and then we played some games. It was lovely. Helen, Sarah, and I then went to book club where we got some new great reads and ate MORE cake and just hung out. It was an absolutely wonderful birthday!!
Then on my actual birthday, Tuesday, I went to work thinking it was going to be a normal day, but busy because we had SO much to do! Well we worked for about 2 hours and then surprisingly again, some ladies from church took me out to lunch. We went to this lovely tea room and had panini's and tea and cakes. It was delicious and great fun. When we finally got back to work, we only had an hour left, so I tried my best to get as much done, and then we went home. I went for a short run...and got absolutely drenched. When I left the house to start out, it was calm and the time I got to the end of my street it was throwing it down. But I have always enjoyed running in the rain, so I kept going...and then...I was running along a really busy road, and this monster truck drove by and went threw a monster puddle. WELL, like in any movie where this happens...I got pummeled by the water. Haha. It was perfect..and hilarious. I was running alone so it wasn't as great because I couldn't laugh with someone...but I laughed out loud. When I got home and dried, Helen, Ian and Daniel were there and we had tea (dinner) together. Then we had a family bday celebration..cake and gifts and then we played some games. It was lovely. Helen, Sarah, and I then went to book club where we got some new great reads and ate MORE cake and just hung out. It was an absolutely wonderful birthday!!
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
We just completed our first week of a new sporty club at the church. It was called The Pulse and was a drop-in center for the youth to come and play indoor games, outside sports on the green, wii, get sweets and just "chill." It was the first time ever that the church has tried to have such a club and we had pretty decent numbers. The first day we had 12 kids and by the end we got up to 16. It was so great! The reason for the club was that it was half term for the schools, so kids were not in school for the week. We wanted to have somewhere for the kids to come to, a time for us to connect more with them and maybe get new faces in the church. We did have a few new faces, which was really great to see! The kids seemed to enjoy themselves, for the club was a drop-in center, meaning the kids could just drop in from any time between 1-4. However, the kids were dropped off at 1 and most did not leave until after 4. They seemed to not want to leave! Whoo! It was exciting to see! I took the ones that wanted to, out on the green and played football for 3 of the days....even though it was a mud hole! We all would come back in the church filthy and smells, sweaty and wet. The last day I slid on the green and reeked the whole rest of the day! But it was definitely worth
it. I thank God for such a great week, a time to connect to new kids, share the Gospel and overall, have fun playing sports! Since it was so successful, we will talk about what to do next! I can't wait.
Monday, September 28, 2009
I just had the most amazing run today. It had been way too long since my last run and I forgot how connected I feel to God when I run. So I was running along this road to my church and one of my favorite songs came on my ipod. Keri Noble sings, "If no one will listen if you decide to speak. If no one is left, standing after the bombs explode. If no one wants to look at you, for what you really are, I will be here still." How true is that though, no matter what happens, where you are, what you have gone through, God is always there. He has been here with me since I left, been ever so present in my life and those around me. I have been reading little devos every night and morning, and they all accentuate on finding His Peace. That has been a big part of my spiritual focus so far; finding God's peace and being still. It's amazing how peaceful God can make my worries and fears can be taken away.
Also, I added a flickr account so you can look at more photos, I will try to keep updating them! Love you all.
Also, I added a flickr account so you can look at more photos, I will try to keep updating them! Love you all.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wonderful Wales!
Oh my goodness...I have just gotten back from a wonderful weekend in Wales! I went with my host family to Abersoch, which is right on the sea in Wales. It was their friends birthday weekend and he invited 25 people to this house he rented out and we just enjoyed relaxing, laughter and great company. I met so many lovely people there, many that I hope to see again! Saturday night was the birthday celebration in which we had a 50's cocktail party. It was so fun to get dressed up, eat dinner to 50's music and then relax, chat and dance to good ol' Grease music! I also took a dip in the sea!! Whoo!! It was fabulous.
Sunday we had a worship service in the lounge which was really powerful. At one point I just sat there silently and listened to the 24 others praising God. It didn't matter if I say God pronounced like G-ah-d and they say G-oh-d; for we were all worshipping the same God. It was beautiful.
Now I am back to Boothstown, getting ready for a full week of preparation and youth clubs!
Sunday we had a worship service in the lounge which was really powerful. At one point I just sat there silently and listened to the 24 others praising God. It didn't matter if I say God pronounced like G-ah-d and they say G-oh-d; for we were all worshipping the same God. It was beautiful.
Now I am back to Boothstown, getting ready for a full week of preparation and youth clubs!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
A walk around my new home
I went on a walk one afternoon and decided to capture some of my surroundings to share with those I love! As pretty and lovely as the area looks, the people are so much more. I cannot believe how welcoming they have been and their never-ending support for me here. It reminds me of my lovely friends and family at home. I miss and love you all.
Welcome to Boothstown, Manchester
Here we are walking down the road on the way to my home...notice the cars driving on the left! Still a little different for me! I forget sometimes...not a good thing to forget!
Here is my road! And my house number...haha.
More to come..I know there are not many here but it's a glimpse into my life! A wonderful, undeserving life that I am so grateful and thankful for. God is so good. :)
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Welcoming Sunday!
I have just gotten back from a beautiful welcoming service at my church. It was so nice to meet these lovely people and be able to converse with them about the church, the year ahead and to simply learn a little about them. I now have names floating around in my head...I only hope I'll be able to place them with faces next time I see them! We had the service and the preacher gave an excellent and hopeful sermon on reviving the church and realizing that every person around Roe Green is loved by God. A guest performer sang a familiar song, "God of This City." This was actually kind of the theme song for my church at home; a theme about reaching people around the church and building up this city for God. It was a brilliant sermon, very evangelistic and hopefully we as a church can try to build up Roe Green as well.
Yesterday was a lovely day, I spent it with my host family; Helen, Ian and Daniel. We went to a neighboring town called Chester where there was a river, walls to climb, a picnic lunch, and many shops! I held myself to only one purchase; a raincoat!! Finally! It is going to be necessary considering Manchester is one of the rainiest places, and there has not been one day lacking in rainfall. That will be helpful in my life here. After we returned from Chester we relaxed a bit and then took off once again to a store, similar to Walmart, to buy groceries and tioletries. I needed some items like shampoo, gel...etc. Overall is was a great day and much bonding with my family here.
Tomorrow is my day off...which seems silly since I have only worked one day so far! But Tuesday we start in with work; cleaning, meetings, mailings, and much more. I think a big task is going to be learning the kids worship songs for the youth groups! I don't know any of them! And I might be the one leading them...which will be great once I learn them myself!
God is here; that is very evident and visually clear. I am thrilled to be here with Him and His people. This is going to be a great year, I can feel it!
Yesterday was a lovely day, I spent it with my host family; Helen, Ian and Daniel. We went to a neighboring town called Chester where there was a river, walls to climb, a picnic lunch, and many shops! I held myself to only one purchase; a raincoat!! Finally! It is going to be necessary considering Manchester is one of the rainiest places, and there has not been one day lacking in rainfall. That will be helpful in my life here. After we returned from Chester we relaxed a bit and then took off once again to a store, similar to Walmart, to buy groceries and tioletries. I needed some items like shampoo, gel...etc. Overall is was a great day and much bonding with my family here.
Tomorrow is my day off...which seems silly since I have only worked one day so far! But Tuesday we start in with work; cleaning, meetings, mailings, and much more. I think a big task is going to be learning the kids worship songs for the youth groups! I don't know any of them! And I might be the one leading them...which will be great once I learn them myself!
God is here; that is very evident and visually clear. I am thrilled to be here with Him and His people. This is going to be a great year, I can feel it!
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Hello all! I have made it to the UK! I am currently sitting in the lounge at my host families house, or my new house for the year I guess! They are brilliant people; extremely welcoming and friendly! They are also teaching me all sorts of new words and phrases to say so I fit in more in Boothstown. (Like brilliant-meaning awesome!). Their names are Helen and Ian and they have a 2 year old named Daniel. It is a wonderful place to be staying!
I have spent most of my time with my supervisor and her 3 children; we have toured around the area, had many meals together, went for a walk around the greens, took a day trip to the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry, and played some Wii. It has been a great time so far, they are also very welcoming to me!
I have tomorrow with my host Helen and Daniel, I am not sure as to what our day will entail but I do have some basic shopping to get I am sure a little of that will occur. I am starting work a little on Friday with Sarah, my supervisor. She said we will go to church and find something to do there! Haha. Sounds wonderful! I am anxious to start working here...I am struggling a little with just "being" and not necessarily "doing" all the time. It is something I will continue working on! Sunday is my welcoming day at the church and I will speak a little about myself and then have a lunch after that. I am very excited for that!
More to come but just know that I am doing very well and I hope you all are as well. God bless,
I have spent most of my time with my supervisor and her 3 children; we have toured around the area, had many meals together, went for a walk around the greens, took a day trip to the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry, and played some Wii. It has been a great time so far, they are also very welcoming to me!
I have tomorrow with my host Helen and Daniel, I am not sure as to what our day will entail but I do have some basic shopping to get I am sure a little of that will occur. I am starting work a little on Friday with Sarah, my supervisor. She said we will go to church and find something to do there! Haha. Sounds wonderful! I am anxious to start working here...I am struggling a little with just "being" and not necessarily "doing" all the time. It is something I will continue working on! Sunday is my welcoming day at the church and I will speak a little about myself and then have a lunch after that. I am very excited for that!
More to come but just know that I am doing very well and I hope you all are as well. God bless,
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Here I sit and reflect on this past week of training. I arrived in Chicago on Wed. Aug 8, along with 52 other volunteers gearing up for our big adventure. I was extremely anxious driving the 2 hours to LSTC campus, unsure of what to expect, how the reunion will pan out and ultimately, hesitant about the idea of packing up and leaving. It was also unusual for me personally for the fact that I am not departing the U.S. straight from here as many of the other volunteers are. Rather, I am flying out on Monday, Aug 31st due to my supervisor's maternity leave and the church's preparation for my arrival. So unlike the others, I arrived with one small suitcase and one tears in my eyes from saying my goodbyes to my family but still the anticipation of learning and discovering new ideas and lessons concerning our upcoming year.
The mission of YAGM/Global Missions is accompaniment. We discussed the idea of a "missionary" and what that title means to each of us. Many negative words were thrown out among the group, words that many people probably stll associate with missionaries and their work in other places. This program, YAGM, believes in the accompaniment model, the idea of walking along side people and accompanying them in their lives and tasks. I just love the idea of accompanyment because it brings a "you give, I give, you receive, I receive" feel. Another point was made that God is there, wherever we go. He is there before we get there and continues to be there while and after we leave. It was a nice reminder that yes, we are going to foreign places, but there is a constant in that God is already there.
I want to share a poem that was read throughout the week here in Chicago...
Passover Remembered...
Pack nothing
Bring only your determination to serve
and your willingnessto be free.
Don't wait for the bread to rise.
Take nourishment for the journey, but eat standing,
be ready to move at a moment's notice.
Do not hesitate to leave your old ways behind —
fear, silence, submission.
Only surrender to the need of the time —
to love justice and walk humbly with your God.
Do not take time to explain to the neighbours.
Tell only a few trusted friends and family members.
Then begin quickly,before you have time
to sink back into the old slavery.
Set out in the dark.
I will send fire to warm and encourage you.
I will be with you in the fire and I will be with you in the cloud.
You will learn to eat new food
and find refuge in new places.
I will give you dreams in the desert
to guide you safely to that place you have not yet seen.
The stories you tell one another around the fires in the dark
will make you strong and wise.
Outsiders will attack you,and some follow you
and at times you will get weary and turn on each other
from fear and fatigue and blind forgetfulness.
You have been preparing for this
for hundreds of years.
I am sending you into the wilderness to make a new way
and to learn my ways more deeply.
Some of you will be so changed by weathers and wanderings
that even your closest friends will have to learn your features
as though for the first time.
Some of you will not change at all.
Some will be abandonedby your dearest loves
and misunderstood by those who have known you since birth
and feel abandoned by you.
Some will find new friendships in unlikely faces
and old friends as faithful and true
as the pillar of God's flame.
Sing songs as you go,
and hold close together.
You may at times grow confused
and lose your way.
Continue to call each other by the names I've given you
to help remember who you are.
You will get where you are going
by remembering who you are.
Touch each other
and keep telling the stories.
Make maps as you go
remembering the way back from before you were born.
So you will be only the first of many waves
of deliverance on these desert seas.
It is the first of many beginnings —
your Paschaltide.
Remain true to this mystery
Pass on the whole story.
Do not go back.
I am with you now and I am waiting for you.
- Alla Bozarth-Campbell
This poem shows every side, aspect and angle of my fears, excitement, joy and worry as I get ready to leave for this year. It is a comfort to think, as the last line of the poem states, "I am with you now and I am waiting for you." This reiterates the idea that God is there before we arrive and stays once we have left. He is everywhere.
People are all finishing their packing for tomorrow...and I sit with my little carry-on sized bag. I am sad that I will not be leaving with them; leaving with the excitement surrounding the YAGM group..but I am very glad to have the opportunity to spend time with my family. Now I wait and prepare.
The mission of YAGM/Global Missions is accompaniment. We discussed the idea of a "missionary" and what that title means to each of us. Many negative words were thrown out among the group, words that many people probably stll associate with missionaries and their work in other places. This program, YAGM, believes in the accompaniment model, the idea of walking along side people and accompanying them in their lives and tasks. I just love the idea of accompanyment because it brings a "you give, I give, you receive, I receive" feel. Another point was made that God is there, wherever we go. He is there before we get there and continues to be there while and after we leave. It was a nice reminder that yes, we are going to foreign places, but there is a constant in that God is already there.
I want to share a poem that was read throughout the week here in Chicago...
Passover Remembered...
Pack nothing
Bring only your determination to serve
and your willingnessto be free.
Don't wait for the bread to rise.
Take nourishment for the journey, but eat standing,
be ready to move at a moment's notice.
Do not hesitate to leave your old ways behind —
fear, silence, submission.
Only surrender to the need of the time —
to love justice and walk humbly with your God.
Do not take time to explain to the neighbours.
Tell only a few trusted friends and family members.
Then begin quickly,before you have time
to sink back into the old slavery.
Set out in the dark.
I will send fire to warm and encourage you.
I will be with you in the fire and I will be with you in the cloud.
You will learn to eat new food
and find refuge in new places.
I will give you dreams in the desert
to guide you safely to that place you have not yet seen.
The stories you tell one another around the fires in the dark
will make you strong and wise.
Outsiders will attack you,and some follow you
and at times you will get weary and turn on each other
from fear and fatigue and blind forgetfulness.
You have been preparing for this
for hundreds of years.
I am sending you into the wilderness to make a new way
and to learn my ways more deeply.
Some of you will be so changed by weathers and wanderings
that even your closest friends will have to learn your features
as though for the first time.
Some of you will not change at all.
Some will be abandonedby your dearest loves
and misunderstood by those who have known you since birth
and feel abandoned by you.
Some will find new friendships in unlikely faces
and old friends as faithful and true
as the pillar of God's flame.
Sing songs as you go,
and hold close together.
You may at times grow confused
and lose your way.
Continue to call each other by the names I've given you
to help remember who you are.
You will get where you are going
by remembering who you are.
Touch each other
and keep telling the stories.
Make maps as you go
remembering the way back from before you were born.
So you will be only the first of many waves
of deliverance on these desert seas.
It is the first of many beginnings —
your Paschaltide.
Remain true to this mystery
Pass on the whole story.
Do not go back.
I am with you now and I am waiting for you.
- Alla Bozarth-Campbell
This poem shows every side, aspect and angle of my fears, excitement, joy and worry as I get ready to leave for this year. It is a comfort to think, as the last line of the poem states, "I am with you now and I am waiting for you." This reiterates the idea that God is there before we arrive and stays once we have left. He is everywhere.
People are all finishing their packing for tomorrow...and I sit with my little carry-on sized bag. I am sad that I will not be leaving with them; leaving with the excitement surrounding the YAGM group..but I am very glad to have the opportunity to spend time with my family. Now I wait and prepare.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
The start of something new
Hello friends and family!
As I prepare for this coming year, I think mostly of all of you and what I am going to do without you all. I have been so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life, I would not be the same person without you. I will try my best to update this blog throughout the year, informing you of all I do. I will also be sending out emails, so if you would rather read those, feel free! I have about 2 months before I leave for Worsley in which there will be: one wisdom teeth appointment, a new niece/nephew birth, 2 family weddings, one family vacation, and MANY heart to hearts with a lot of you. It is going to be a busy, preparatory summer...I cannot wait! As my Grandpa Gumm used to say, there is nothing that will happen today that God and I cannot handle together! :)
As I prepare for this coming year, I think mostly of all of you and what I am going to do without you all. I have been so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life, I would not be the same person without you. I will try my best to update this blog throughout the year, informing you of all I do. I will also be sending out emails, so if you would rather read those, feel free! I have about 2 months before I leave for Worsley in which there will be: one wisdom teeth appointment, a new niece/nephew birth, 2 family weddings, one family vacation, and MANY heart to hearts with a lot of you. It is going to be a busy, preparatory summer...I cannot wait! As my Grandpa Gumm used to say, there is nothing that will happen today that God and I cannot handle together! :)
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